The company went out of business in June 2022, however the website remains live for posterity

Discover our new Spring 2022 releases:
- Mastering Adversity by Lance Essihos
- Healthcare Anonymous by Dr. Simon Maltais
- Transform Your Destiny by Dale Halaway
- The Sovereign Health Solution by Dr. Eva Detko
- Unremarkable to Extraordinary by Jeremy Ryan Slate
- Atomic Word by Gabe Arnold
- The Awareness Shift by Joshua Holland & Tessa Cash
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Atomic Words
The majority of us never had anyone to teach us truly effective communication, and because of that we don’t even realize it…
The Care Equation
Over 50% of today’s leaders have never received any kind of training on how to lead people. That means half of the bosses in the world…
Unremarkable to Extraordinary
Mark Twain stated: “Most men die at 27, we just bury them at 72.” Are you ready avoid that common fate and live an Extraordinary life?…
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We have curated an amazing selection of self-help books and books to live your best life, plus we regularly run special promotions and limited time offers so be sure to subscribe and your first book is free!
Mastering Adversity
This book will help you go from living your life in the backseat as a victim, into the driver seat of empowerment. In Mastering Adversity you…
Transform Your Destiny
Are You Ready to Uncover & Embody the Greater Version of You? In Transform Your Destiny, master teacher of the soul Dale Halaway…
Alpha Seed Beta Need
Do Men and Women Experience Love Differently? Mark van Stratum is a modern day Charles Bukowski, moving through life with…